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@AzulCrescent i have been known to do this sometimes, and it's the worst

Hugo 雨果

@AzulCrescent The initial password screen should put the system to sleep if there is no interaction for a few minutes.

Leah :spinny_cat_trans: :verifiedcat:
@AzulCrescent once it turns back on, just immediately hold down the power button.
Evelynn Pareidolia The humiliation hurts more than spending time waiting for the pc to boot.

jan Wilejan

@AzulCrescent Not your fault. That's bad design. Which window manager do you use? I thought they all had a "Shutting down in 10 seconds [cancel] [shutdown now]" popup.


@AzulCrescent i just turn the monitor off before sleep :blobcatuwu:

Quick Fastly happens more often than I'd like to admit

even managed to somehow fumble this while trying to use the command line specifically to not do this once, because autocomplete betrayed me


@AzulCrescent shout-out to most Linux desktop environments for having a confirmation screen


Oh noes! Especially when you have spinning disks connected.

@kirtai @AzulCrescent It doesn't really take that long to reboot on those when using a system that isn't ridiculously bloated (read: Windows).

One thing to know that's helpful: If you're using Grub as your bootloader, you can just press "c" to enter a command and run "halt" to poweroff immediately, instead of waiting for the full reboot & system load sequence to complete.
Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@AzulCrescent what's even more frustrating for me on my one windows machine: "update and restart" instead of "update and shutdown."


@AzulCrescent so many times.
I'm so happy to have my OS on an SSD these days.

Miss Rari 🏳️‍⚧️

@AzulCrescent That's why I like KDE, it has a countdown thing with a cancel button by default.


@AzulCrescent everyone remembers when they first learned that "Update and shutdown" is bugged in Windows and found out while snuggled in bed that it just restarted instead of turning off

[GARLIC] Neon | Natalie for those who wants a confirmation prompt of sorts, you can enable what's called "Event Shutdown Tracker", it's normally for Windows Server but you can have it in Windows 10/11 too.

though if you're on Windows Home you probably don't have access to the group policy editor....

Claire :bi_verify: :trans_verify: alt text:
A three-panel comic.

The first panel is of Azul Crescent at her desk, using her computer. She says "Hm... I should head off to bed now, or Ill be awake at a more ridiculous hour". A visible snippet of the computer monitor displays a recreation of the Windows 10 start menu, showing the options "Sleep", "Shut down", and "Restart" above the power button. The mouse cursor is in between "Shut down" and "Restart", and a Click is depicted. Near the cursor is super-imposed text that reads "Accidentally clicks on restart instead of shut down"

The second panel is Azul saying "Wait, no! Not restart! That's not what I wanted to do!", along with her clicking furiously.

The third panel is of Azul sulking, ducking down such that only her head is visible, along with her hands on the desk. There are faint pink dots at the top of the comic, along with text pointing to Azul that reads "Waiting for the PC to boot back up so that I can actually shut it down this time and head to bed" alt text:
A three-panel comic.

The first panel is of Azul Crescent at her desk, using her computer. She says "Hm... I should head off to bed now, or Ill be awake at a more ridiculous hour". A visible snippet of the computer monitor displays a recreation of the Windows 10 start menu, showing the options "Sleep", "Shut down", and...


@AzulCrescent and then windows also takes the opportunity to install some updates it was waiting for just this kind of blunder to install.

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