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Jan Wildeboer 😷:krulorange:

@girlintech Compare it with the "Stop destroying videogames" petition. That already has reached quorum in 6 countries. I guess that egoistic goals will do better than solidarity :(


@jwildeboer yeah but i think that networking as you say is not the only problem.

I our case, it's the network problem and you add to that the fact that the people behing it do not have advertised it properly, so the "advantage" of mastodon fell.

For game the "stop killing game" movement have made a massive advertisement over all network (of course it relayed properly on masotodon (have seen it 4 or 5 times)).


@jwildeboer @girlintech That "stop destroying video games" petition is spread far and wide, on youtube with very convincing videos for example. Probably also spread in discords and other casual / fun places and not really associated with the "annoying politics".

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