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Frances Larina

@pavsmith @IanMoore3000 @amckinstry

Even if you have great eyesight, an updated URL code sticker is just the sort of thing a corporation would do, too.

Paul McO'Smith III

@Frances_Larina @IanMoore3000 @amckinstry paul blinks. thinks about it for a second. realises you're right. yeah, what could possibly go wrong.

Chloe Raccoon

@Frances_Larina @pavsmith @IanMoore3000 @amckinstry @TundraWolf You know they tell you to report anything suspicious on cash machines? A few years ago barclays uk machines got a green plastic protector over the card slot. It looked weird, I rang Barclays.. "Oh, we upgraded all the machines like that, but we didn't tell anyone about it..."


@chloeraccoon we got a TEXT from our bank the other week wanting us to confirm a transaction on our credit card by texting back a yes or no. Husband blocked the number, the bank literally say on their Comms they won't text customers. But was them and our fecking card got blocked cos we didn't answer!!

Chloe Raccoon

@miridescent I get a letter every month from barclays saying they tried to email me about a new statement for my accounts being ready, but the email bounced back. Which is an interesting lie, as they don't have my email address...

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