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Floppy 💾

@amckinstry Whoa. It seems like such a obvious way to scam people. I guess it's a good thing to be very careful with retroactively updated or patched QR-codes.

However, the sticker in the picture is too small and not applied in the conventional orientation, so luckily that one is easier to spot.


@floppy @amckinstry I expect plenty of people don't realise that QR codes are supposed to always be in the same orientation, since the phone applies the transformation anyway

Floppy 💾

@trantion @amckinstry I agree, likely many people don't know or don't care. But for those who do at least it's a hint something might be going on. And then ideally take action and remove a scammy QR sticker.


@floppy @amckinstry
Hopefully that one was harder to scan, with the original code partially visible.


@floppy @amckinstry User vigilance as a security layer - best of luck with that.

Floppy 💾

@nf3xn @amckinstry Not something I was suggesting, but I agree, fraud prevention should kick in earlier in the process.


@floppy @amckinstry IKR but how 'easier to spot' when you aren't looking? This implementation is indefensible but it was rolled out anyway. They took away the only really secure way of paying - CASH because its convenient *for them*, for tracking and so they could charge outlandish fees. Probably the manager who championed this at the local muni now works for the parking meter company. That is not to say that you could not put a QR code on a hydrant and some idiot will scan it.

Homer's fake parking meter episode of the Simpsons. Cop points gun at Homer holding a parking meter. 

In which Homer proves there is no such thing as 100% security.
Space Hobo Actual

@floppy @amckinstry It also seems like a problem a business like this could have, where a payment provider needed to change but they couldn't afford to re-print the enamel boards.

Dаn̈ıel Раršlow 🥧

@floppy @amckinstry Unfortunately you could have a very nice professional-looking sticker overlaying the real one which was perfectly easy to spot, and many people would use it anyway assuming it was an official amendment/correction and not a scam.

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