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Murdoc Addams ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿป

I'm glad. Minetest was not a good name. It was the only thing about it I hated telling people.

F4GRX Sรƒยฉbastien

@murdoc @gamingonlinux minetest is not really a game, it's a base for modding... This is fine for me.

Kanishk Agrawal

@gamingonlinux Minetest is 10x better than the original minecraft. but then if minecraft wasn't there, this inspired game wouldn't be created. anyways, a big fan of minetest and a helpful contributer.


@gamingonlinux still not the greatest sounding name but better.


@gamingonlinux breaks the chains? really?

the word play is interesting but new name doesn't sound like a game title.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

@brawnybunkbedbuddy it's just a voxel game engine, what people make with it is their own choice, so yes breaking the link between it and Minecraft the original with a new name makes total sense

100 Tax Challenger


For anyone that didn't get the name...when people write mods for #Luanti / (Formerly #Minetest) they use #Lua.

Btw, I see also that one commented on your site making the comment about LUA(although they didn't explain to people what it is). @lualang "The Lua Programming Language".

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