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Confused about the WordPress drama? This corporate governance diagram should clear things up!

An altered version of the shield of the trinity. A black-and-white line drawing diagram where "", "", and "WP Foundation" form a triangle, with lines between them all saying "is not". In the middle is the text "Matt", and lines from the three other nouns point to it with the text "is"
pasta la vida

@bison @lazerwalker no, the graph shows how many entities started by or controlled by Matt may be independent from each other, they are not independent from Matt.

Matt's beef is with WP engine, who has better brand recognition even though Matt's company automattic owns, so it's silly for him to accuse them of taking advantage of a brand.

Matt threatened wp engine, not his own creations which he controls. He then started to steer them in nonsense ways like the login checkbox about not being affiliated with wp engine.

@bison @lazerwalker no, the graph shows how many entities started by or controlled by Matt may be independent from each other, they are not independent from Matt.

Matt's beef is with WP engine, who has better brand recognition even though Matt's company automattic owns, so it's silly for him to accuse them of taking advantage of a brand.

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

@lazerwalker "we worship one [Matt] in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither
confusing the persons nor dividing the substance. For [] is one person, [] is
another, and the [WP Foundation] is another. But the [Matt] of [] and of [] and of
the [WP Foundation] is one: the glory equal, the majesty coeternal." -- (adapted)

Mark Crocker

@lazerwalker hmmm various Mastodon clients don't show the whole image, so here it is

An inverted triangular diagram with nixpkgs and Nixos in the upper corners and Nix DSL at the bottom, with Nix in the center. Each of these words in a rainbow colored font in a circle. The circles at the corners are connected by paths, each with the words, "Is Not". The Nix circle in the center is connected to the corners with paths, each with the word " Is".
Hound of the Basketcases

@lazerwalker finally the spiritual clarity I've been searching for all these years 🙏🙏

Scott Arciszewski

@lazerwalker This has cursed my timeline. Thank you for that.


@lazerwalker Beyond me why anyone would touch wordpress with a bargepole...

Aknorals⚑Ⓐ 🏴

@lazerwalker Was very confused by all these excommunications. Now I think I get it.


@lazerwalker which are all different from wp engine :floofWoozy:

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