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Tired of helping your family members reset their passwords... again? 😩

The Pass Family plan is now available!

💸 Get it for $3.99/month for life - no price hikes!
🛡️ Protect your family’s online identity
⭐ Premium features for up to 6 people
🔑 Easily share passwords
⏰ Integrated 2FA
🥸 Stop spam with Hide-my-email aliases

A graphic with the headings 'Pass News', 'Introducing pass family' and an overlay showing several Proton Pass UI elements such as the ability to detect weak passwords and store and share usernames, passwords and 2FA.
Ikkle Gemz Universe+

@protonprivacy what if you’re on Proton Unlimited already? 🙂

Troed Sångberg

@protonprivacy Well I am .. but .. my own family consists of five persons and I have two parents ;)


Deborah Edwards-Oñoro

@protonprivacy In our family, it's the parents helping the children.

Reconsider your message so it doesn't reference ageism.

Something like: Tired of helping your family members reset their passwords...again?

Russell S. Pfau

@redcrew @protonprivacy I've been disappointed in Proton's advertising here lately.

Deborah Edwards-Oñoro

@rspfau @protonprivacy Ahh, so this isn't unusual for them?

This is the first Proton post I've read that immediately had me miffed. I must be missing reading their posts on my timeline.


@redcrew @rspfau Thanks for the feedback, we edited the post above.

We had a lot of feedback from the community about helping parents specifically, so sorry if it came across the wrong way.

Deborah Edwards-Oñoro

@protonprivacy @rspfau Thank you for the reply and updating your post. Appreciate you listening and responding.


After following lots of security people here, I learned about ✨threat models✨. Turns out the best thing for my parents was to have all their passwords written down in a big notebook. All unique passwords, categorised and bookmarked by services.

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