my shitty chungus country blocked Discord, WireGuard (the fucking protocol), SOCKS5, and probably more today. but the government can't beat the nerds in a battle of networking.

behold, Network Crimes

how did i get it to work? well, that's simple,

WireGuard server running on my homeserver -> socat UDP->TCP+SSL proxy -> The Internet -> socat TCP+SSL->UDP proxy (using Termux) -> WireGuard client running on my phone

client side:
socat UDP-LISTEN:51337,reuseaddr,fork,cert=client.pem,cafile=server.crt,verify=0
server side:
socat ssl-l:4080,reuseaddr,fork,cert=server.pem,cafile=client.crt,verify=1 UDP:

it works flawlessly. i don't care that it's tcp-over-tcp this is all a stupid hack

(discord was both IP and DNS blocked, and the protocols were blocked using packet inspection)