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Shrig 🐌

@CatherineFlick Hell yeah! Have you done the monster hunt yet? I've only seen two

Catherine Flick

@Shrigglepuss no! I can see this one from my office on campus. I’ll be taking the boys in this weekend most likely.

Shrig 🐌

@CatherineFlick Nice! I saw mine at night, they're particularly impressive when they're all glowing and stuff

Catherine Flick

@Shrigglepuss yeah! Sadly with small children we can’t wait that long out, though it’s getting darker earlier…!

Shrig 🐌

@CatherineFlick It is, I wanted to drag a friends kids around to them but not sure if we'll find time to. I'm trying to make it happen still though ha


@CatherineFlick I assume you just missed the speech bubble saying "you fuckers, you left me on TERF island"

Alexander Dyas

@CatherineFlick 10 seconds before - some child fiddling with the rip chord on the side of a large package delivered by Inflate-R-Us

Alexander Dyas

@CatherineFlick Please tell me that wasn’t the intended final location for it 😁

Catherine Flick

@alexanderdyas the top of a university building? I can only hope they appreciate the irony of it 😂

Catherine Flick

Since this post has gone viral, I’d like to link to the Leicester City Monster Trail
Designed and created by Filthy Luker & Pedro Estrellas. #Leicester #Halloween #DeMontfortUniversity #DMU

Das große Lu und das kleine la

He or she expresses exactly - exactly! - how I mostly feel...

Ryan Alexander

@CatherineFlick That is one good storm away from being a LOT more interesting.

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