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Linda Woodrow

@coolandnormal @blinken @argv_minus_one @screw_dog I don't know about this take. I remember both my grandparents homes. They were all poor, working class. My grandad was a night watchman. My Nanna was born in 1908. Her home, from when I remember it in the early 1960's was much smaller than homes now, and much more sparsely furnished. I have the kitchen table, my sister has the dresser, and six chairs that have not survived were all the kitchen furniture. 1/3

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Linda Woodrow

@coolandnormal @blinken @argv_minus_one @screw_dog The gas stove survived but was eventually sold. The lounge had two big club chairs that my mum still has, and a sideboard that my Nanna inherited from her mum, and my mum still has, along with some big vases that stood on it, and a hallstand. 2/3

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