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Anil Dash

Congrats to @molly0xfff who is now impossible to find on Meta Threads. search for molly white says: This may be associated with the sale of drugs
Patrick Johanneson 🚀

@anildash @molly0xfff ...because her name is a slang term for a particular drug? Woo, nice job there, The Algorithm™.

Anuj Ahooja

@anildash @molly0xfff LMAO NO WAY 💀 the moderation there is beyond a meme at this point

Bee O'Problem

@anildash @molly0xfff Facebook moderation continuing to be disappointing I see

Leandro (Cerberus1746)

@anildash I think they are smoking what they are trying to prohibt


@anildash @molly0xfff @tomw

It takes you to the ecstasy store in the Dark Metaverse

Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

@anildash @molly0xfff so what happens if you search for weed? that's not an allowed topic?


@anildash @molly0xfff …so is there a print menu i could see or a qr code or and do you have any specials today?


@anildash @molly0xfff facebooks been around like 20 years and they still get fucked over by the "grbutt" issue, a classic kjgbdjsgsd


Paul Hoffman

@anildash @molly0xfff Huh. I had never noticed that her name was in fact chemically true.

Mike Johnston

@anildash @molly0xfff I love how if I go to a website with an invalid SSL cert I can ignore the warning and proceed but the only other option there is to.... "Get help" with my alleged drug problem(s) 🙃

Mrs.Alice :verified_twit:✨

@anildash @molly0xfff huh! did not know reliable journalism about crypto was a drug


@anildash @molly0xfff It's like the days dealing with shoddy school internet filters where some highly reputable sources were suspiciously mis-categorized.

ben 🇵🇸 ui

@anildash @molly0xfff because of their name? Or someone reported them?


@anildash @molly0xfff mass generalized policing of words is fing stupid & insane!

Log 🪵

@anildash @molly0xfff This account is only accessible from Scunthorpe.

reviewer 2 :Schwerified:

@anildash @molly0xfff

In the famous words of Migos,
"Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana
I got molly, I got white
I got molly, I got white
I been trapping, trapping, trapping
Trapping all damn night"

Chris L

@anildash @molly0xfff wow that is some cutting edge ML AI stuff. Back in the 1990s we had to use word lists find illicit, oh wait. :)


@anildash @molly0xfff hey does anyone know where I can find...Molly?

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@anildash For doing a talk about crypto?? 😹 (I haven't watched it at this point, but this gives me an idea what it might touch on... one for the watch list I guess...)

Victor S Sigmoid

@anildash @molly0xfff we should notify Molly Young at NYT that she may be in real trouble


@anildash @molly0xfff I wonder if other people named Molly are similarly unfindable. If not, then perhaps some crypto bros managed to trick Threads into banning her by "reporting" her.

Brad Stowers

@anildash @molly0xfff You say that like being impossible to find on a Meta platform is a bad thing.

The Mïghty Kräcken

@anildash @molly0xfff
I am also impossible to find on Threads, because I blocked their fucking server.

Angus McIntyre

@anildash @molly0xfff Molly White, Walter White -- what difference does it make?

James 🦉 #FBPE :europe:

@anildash @molly0xfff Could always change the username to something innocent. Like Tina.

Anꞇóin Ó B.

As someone who doesn't want the techbros to crawl all over me as a source of things to plagiarise I have clearly erred by not choosing Cocaine Angeldust as my username.

Matt May

@anildash @molly0xfff Memo to self: popularize Zuckerberg as a nickname for a street drug

🦇Lyle Solla-Yates🦇

@anildash @molly0xfff that website may be associated with the sale of drugs! ☠️

Sean King
@anildash @molly0xfff Joke's on Meta. I've never signed up for Threads.

@anildash @molly0xfff is this a Scunthorpism or is something else afoot?


@anildash @molly0xfff
This reminds me of when Net Nanny blocked every web page mentioning Middlesex, England


@anildash @molly0xfff Makes me feel /slightly/ better, at least people don't get sermons when they fail to find me.


My wife, in her 40's, has a Facebook page containing the world "lolita" because it is her longtime nickname. This page is impossible to find because "linked to inappropriate activities with minors" or something like that. Dumbest bot ever.

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@anildash @molly0xfff They censor words like “drugs”, “covid” and “cis”. But they can’t censor “your daily dosisTM” of transphobia.

No offense intended towards OP. I am speaking about general transphobia on threads.


@anildash @molly0xfff love me some recreational xfff in the morning

Drezil :butterfly_trans:

@anildash nice! Just the name or do I have to make some toots so I won't get displayed there as well? 😁

Gavin Logan

@anildash this is bad news for my friend Heroin Speedball

Paolo Amoroso

@anildash No worries, she can report this algorithmic issue to a support chatbot.


Dr. Juande Santander-Vela

@anildash @molly0xfff I found this a few days ago, and forgot to report it… still not fixed?


@anildash @molly0xfff
Awesome ...she piss off whoever runs that joint now ?

Chrisshy Keygen

@anildash @molly0xfff 🎶"I can't seem to find Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly"🎶


This reminds me in the 90's when users in the UK couldn't sign up for AOL if they lived in the naughty worded counties like Essex or Sussex. How times have clearly not changed.

Jocelynephiliac :reclaimer:

@anildash @molly0xfff @olivia

Somewhere inside Meta:

Product Owner: “Yeahhhh, so we apparently made it impossible to find people named Molly.”

Tech Lead: “I TOLD YOU!!!”

Alan Langford

@anildash @molly0xfff If your truth habit is affecting your life or the life of your family, help is available at Truph Social, where we can help you break the habit.

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