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Plasma 6.2 is out — Welcome to the "Let's get Creative🖌️" edition!

Check out the inbuilt tablet configuration, improved HDR and color management, enhanced #accessibility, cool visual design upgrades, granular power controls, and much more.

An artist and konqi painting the new desktop onto a canvas
Full screenshot of Plasma 6.2 with several utilities open: System Settings, Discover, and System Monitor
The color blind configuration page in System Settings
The power management widget showing power configuration

Sweet. Love that Tablet Config Panel.


I’m getting an unclosable donation box overlapping the text on the announcement page:


wonderful news! As always, thank you so much to everyone who contributed!


As someone with color blindness (Red-Green, I'm a "Deutan"), I'm truly excited to try out the color correction filter. Looking forward to explore all the things I was missing out on so far.

not saying i dont appreciate all this but maliit is such a rough experience without ctrl or meta its not even funny 😭
like i love that you're supporting artists but as someone who uses kde on his tablet its painful to have to reattach my physical keyboard just to undo something while drawing.

Micah Pendleton

@kde @kde I absolutely love KDE's focus on creative apps and usability in the creative industry!


I can't wait for this release to get pushed to Fedora! I'm eager to check out the tablet settings panel in particular!

To all the KDE devs, thank you! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

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