I've read only today about a woman being kicked off a flight kicked out of a flight because she misgendered a flight attendant a couple of months ago. I won't enter into specifics of the story, nor comment on it as a pilot/captain.

But I will say some words as a human being because it's happened to me so much lately.

Please, do not misgender or deadname someone. Don't make fun of somebody's body or dressing, even if it might seem to you as an innocent joke.

It's humiliating and destabilizing. We are already fighting a big battle inside our brains, more than you can imagine and perhaps more than it appears from the outside. Not everybody is so strong.

Your words or attitude can change our day from a bright one to the day we might do something stupid.

It doesn't take much to be kind. In doubt, it's ok to ask.

#genderdysphoria #bodydysmorphia #misgender #deadname #transgender