Ghislaine (AKA jizzlane) #Maxwell got sentenced to 20 years in the hiney hole hotel today.

Prior to her sentence being handed down upon her, #Virginia_Giuffre, perhaps the most notable of her victims, had this to say in her pre-sentencing statement, yet mentioned nothing about #Prince_Andrew, as per the terms of her non disclosure agreement following her settlement with the royal:

"Ghislaine, 22 years ago, in the summer of 2000, you spotted me at the Mar-a-Lago Hotel in Florida, and you made a choice.

You chose to follow me and procure me for #Jeffrey_Epstein. Just hours later, you and he abused me together for the first time. Together, you damaged me physically, mentally, sexually and emotionally. Together, you did #unthinkable things that still have a corrosive impact on me to this day.

When you did that, Ghislaine, you changed the course of our lives forever.

You joked that you were like a new mother to us. As a woman, I think you understood the damage you were causing -- the price you were making us victims pay.

You could have put an end to the #rapes, the #molestations, the sickening manipulations that you arranged, witnessed and even took part in. You could've called the authorities and reported that you were a part of something awful.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't ask, 'Why?' Why, Ghislaine, did you enjoy hurting us so much?

I worry every single day and night that you will get away with it and evade being punished. I will worry about that until you are brought to justice. And what should that justice look like?

#Ghislaine, you deserve to spend the rest of your life in a jail cell. You deserve to be trapped in a cage forever, just like you trapped your victims.

My promise to you is as follows: As long as you and perpetrators like you continue to prey upon the vulnerable, I will not stop standing up and speaking out. Together, with so many others you abused, we will do all we can to keep #predators from stealing the innocence of children. I will never give up. I will never go away. If you ever get out of #prison, I will be here, watching you, making sure you never hurt anyone else again."

Ummm... I won't comment on what I think about the now famously rich #Giuffre, living comfortably on the spoils of her hard earned hoebagging money, except to say that she certainly did out manipulate the master-manipulator Maxwell.

I will say that i just can't seem to wrap my head around a measly 20 year sentence for human trafficking violations repeatedly described as 'heinous', when we always seen to speak about these things in terms of castration or death.

#pr0n #prostitution #trafficking #sex_slave
