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Free Software Foundation

**New video:** Watch the FSF's new video *Escape to Freedom* and see how our protagonist Zara finds freedom in her digital life. #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom


This video keeps crashing NewPipe when I open it. Nothing else crashes the app, just this one video. So weird; wonder why that it.

Lien Rag


Thing is, if these videos were just a little bit less corny, I could show them to people who are not already aware of privacy issues, in order to help educating them...


@fsf i like it! i think it's a great idea to do things like this to educate the masses. my only criticism of this particular video is that it's kind of "busy" -- i had some trouble relating what was being said to what i was seeing on screen. maybe try one with a little less action, to allow people to concentrate more on the words?

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