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Niki Tonsky

Youtube UI redesign project. WDYT?


@nikitonsky It might provide better ergonomics for super wide screens. Is it responsive, full-width on smaller screens?


@nikitonsky 1st design doesn’t need to block the content; 2nd always will.



Controls not taking up the full width: idk if I like it or not. They are probably nicer for super-wide screens? Definitely hope things like embeds or 4:3 videos would still be reasonably sized.

Controls being higher up: don't really like that; I'd prefer them being as close to the bottom edge as possible, to block as little of the video as possible.

Blur instead of tint: idk for sure, might be slightly too resource-intensive for some older devices? The tint is just basic alpha-blending, after all.

Also, where would chapter names fit in the newer design? In the older one, they are just to the right of the timestamp, but the new one has a lot less space, so some longer chapter titles might get cut off?


Controls not taking up the full width: idk if I like it or not. They are probably nicer for super-wide screens? Definitely hope things like embeds or 4:3 videos would still be reasonably sized.

Controls being higher up: don't really like that; I'd prefer them being as close to the bottom edge as possible, to block as little of the video as possible.

Ivan Reese

@nikitonsky my kingdom for a big pause button dead center I can tap without the ui showing


@nikitonsky в два раза сложнее целиться в нужное место прогресс-бара, отвратительно


@nikitonsky any specific problem your redesigned UI tries to solve?

Einar Lielmanis

@nikitonsky Is this for the fullscreen? What did you try to solve? I see that the progressbar got needlessly shorter (the people are using it for navigation!) and the buttons got much harder to press, Fitt's law and everything — they were on the bottom of screen easily targeted by mouse and now you'd need to hunt their hitboxes.

I think moving panels away from the sides of the screen is not a good idea, even figma reversed that.

Vincent Cantin

@nikitonsky The "next video right arrow" should be on the right side of the screen.

"play" should be on the center of the bar, bigger than the other actionable elements.

The sound menu should always be open.

There should be a button to "skip the ads as soon as possible".

Kevin Conner

@nikitonsky Away from the edge, it’s in the way of the video.

I suppose Fitts’s Law doesn’t count for much when the corner button does the same thing as clicking the video itself.

The translucent background makes better contrast than the gradient did.

The red portion of the scrubber draws the eye away from content.


@nikitonsky it's easier to hit button whose click area spans to the edge of the screen. Especially important in the case of "play" and "fullscreen" buttons

Niki Tonsky

@NolanSW Yes. I wish they understood that in current Youtube

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