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Kevin Leecaster

How many people have the protesters blocking roads convinced to stop burning fossil fuels is the question that needs to be asked.


@GreenFire It keeps it in the news, and thereby makes people not only talk about it, positively or negatively, but talk.

Kevin Leecaster

Effective protesting generates positive changes.

Peter Brett

@GreenFire Seems like a great opportunity for you to show us all how it's done. @Judeet99

Kevin Leecaster

@krans @Judeet99
When I helped start the youth climate movement, I had hopes that it would lead to a lot of climate action compared to my previous work that led to closing down almost two hundred coal-fired plants.

Sadly, I was mistaken as the kids went off into other areas of focus other than the science-based solutions to global warming and effective political action to achieve progress.

Felix Frank

@GreenFire Iā€™m honestly intrigued. What did you do to get those coal plants shut down?

Kevin Leecaster

It was of course not optimal since the Beyond Coal campaign started way before solar let alone batteries were anywhere near as cheap as they are now so the change was mostly coal-to-gas.

Jasper šŸ‰

@GreenFire i think effective military action produces victory. So maybe Ukraine should just give up looool.

I hope we don't get too inspired by Ukraine. @Judeet99

Demon Queen Lucretia
@JeanPDeliet do you think they're doing it to get everyone to switch to electric cars or something?
It's not about convincing people to change their habits. It's about forcing the government to actually take the problem seriously.

@GreenFire @Judeet99

Same number as the people who started supporting Suffragettes after they burned down The Nevill cricket ground pavilion in Tunbridge Wells to the ground.

Ditto, the Kew Garden.

Regardless, "In February 1918, a landmark piece of legislation called the Representation of the People Act of 1918 was passed, enabling 8.5 million women over the age of 30 who met a property qualification to vote."

Protesting makes a difference.

@GreenFire @Judeet99

Same number as the people who started supporting Suffragettes after they burned down The Nevill cricket ground pavilion in Tunbridge Wells to the ground.

Ditto, the Kew Garden.

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