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Molly White

just noticed that tiktok muted the audio on a video of mine because of a copyright strike based on... silence

Sound removed The sound has been removed because it infringes on someone else's copyright. Sound details "3 Minutes of Silence" Posted on 04-19 at 11:01 1:00 Check for copyright Sound copyright check Run a check automatically every time you post something new. You can turn this off in TikTok Studio > Publish settings. Violation reasons Copyright claim We take copyright complaints very seriously and may take additional action if necessary. Change sound
Eric A. Meyer

@molly0xfff I did not realize John Cage’s estate’s lawyers were so aggressive.

Matt Griffin

@molly0xfff John Cage still fucking with people…

Bill Zaumen

@adriano @Viss @molly0xfff Besides John Cage, there's PDQ Bach (Peter Schickele) who had a composition with three measures of rests, the middle one being in 3/4 time, giving the work a quasi-Viennese flavor. I didn't make this up: Peter Schickele did.


@reverseics @molly0xfff this is the sorta shit that makes me think there needs to be a civillian owned police force that swoops in on ropes through windows to clobber specific individuals with folding metal chairs. because this seems like the perfect opportunity to highlight a person who desperately needs to be hit in the face with a folding metal chair


@Viss @molly0xfff I wish some would try harder with this goal...


@Viss @molly0xfff there are two types of musical copyright. Recordings, and compositions. Even if the composition is silent, e.g. "4:33" by John Cage, there *is* a composition and it counts.

You would lose the argument that a 3 minute video is "4:33" though.

(but if someone releases a video that's exactly 4:33 long and is just silence, anyone with any sort of musical education would know that's a direct reference to Cage's work, and so would constitute a composition copyright violation)

Philip McGrath

@TheRealPomax @Viss @molly0xfff But 4′33″ isn’t just silence! For one thing, it’s divided into three movements, which performers must communicate somehow. At a deeper level, 4′33″ is about the *impossibility* of silence.

(Also, the usual score specified that 4′33″ may “last any length of time.” Any attempt to raise a copyright issue would run into the compulsory license for music recordings, for one thing.)


@LiberalArtist @Viss @molly0xfff Copyright doesn't care about the underlying intent, only whether the work will reasonably be assumed to "be" another work. It's why derivative works can still be copyright violation.

And yes, that's idiotic. It'd be lovely if we could abolish all the nonsense around modern copyright law.

Philip McGrath

@TheRealPomax @Viss @molly0xfff But a “silent” performance in one movement, or four movements, would clearly not be 4′33″, not would a digital audio file consisting of a flat line be a recording of it.

With my musicologist hat on, I do agree that copyright law is often ontologically incoherent. Even so, 4′33″ is specific piece of music—one I deeply love—not a catch-all for silence. It was neither the first nor the last piece of “silent” music: see e.g.

@TheRealPomax @Viss @molly0xfff But a “silent” performance in one movement, or four movements, would clearly not be 4′33″, not would a digital audio file consisting of a flat line be a recording of it.

With my musicologist hat on, I do agree that copyright law is often ontologically incoherent. Even so, 4′33″ is specific piece of music—one I deeply love—not a catch-all for silence. It was neither the first nor the last piece of “silent” music: see e.g.

Philip C James

@TheRealPomax @Viss @molly0xfff

Not necessarily. As Eric Morecambe pointed out, he was playing all the right notes though not necessarily in the right order...


@PhilipCJames @Viss @molly0xfff There are some delightful defenses for this very specific case, and it's truly ridiculous that companies are allowed to use computers can both automatically flag works as violations, and be made to do so without scrutiny of the reporter, when they can't equally be given evidence or even case law that disproves a claim.

Rob Miller

@Viss @molly0xfff Not silence itself, just the sound of silence. :)


@molly0xfff You definitely need to upload a video that is exactly 3 minutes long, has some small amount of silence in it, and name it "3 minutes of silence". Let them mute it, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.


@molly0xfff Obvious infringement! The sound of silence!


@molly0xfff Inspired by this, I went to look up the "John Cage estate sues" story about 4'33" and found that it was a gag:

pitch R.

@molly0xfff i FUCKING love it! That is basically the best Comment on how corrupt the modern concept of "authorship" has become in between copyright legislation and consumerism. 🤣 :anarchoheart2:

Neia Wait, doesn't it infringe even worse now that it's been muted?


@molly0xfff wow, that... was... the sound of silence

/me runs


@molly0xfff There were zero replies to this and when I clicked on reply there were 14. Half refer to John Cage, which is what I was going to do. I think I've chosen the right server.

Coles Street Pothole 💀

@molly0xfff Based on the title alone they must think you have poached this somehow. 😆 I assume you just had three minutes of actual silence. Well done.


@molly0xfff abusive removal requests ought to be punishable

Jason J.G. White
@molly0xfff Would the copyright in question be due to John Cage? 4 minutes 33 seconds for solo piano?
Solarpunk Davy

@molly0xfff it's OpenAI lawyers claiming you leaked their 'original thoughts' brainstorming session.


If they start charging for silence I'm gonna make a lot of noise!


@molly0xfff Clearly we need an "AI is going JUST GREAT!".

Thank you for all you do. Love your work!

.,PawV,. :v_enby:

@Lydie @molly0xfff Ah, but just think of all the ad revenue one could make on YouTube as the proud owner of "silence". 😆


@molly0xfff YouTube's copyright ID was* abused with white noise and sounds of typing a couple of years ago, this isn't at all surprising.

*(maybe still is, I haven't followed the story)

Ciggy Bringer of Smoke


This is exactly why the amount of seriousness someone treats something with is inversely proportional to the amount of seriousness they say they treat it with.

Sham :loading:

@molly0xfff ...I don't know that you can actually comply, all things considered

A January Sponge

@molly0xfff I had that happen once. The only sound on the video was my own voice.

Sybren Stüvel 🔶

@molly0xfff So... they replaced it with silence? Infinite "sound" removal loop!

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@molly0xfff Unauthorised use of Silence©️ will get you banned. 🙃

That's right up there with high school recital videos getting copyright strikes on Youtube by Sony for playing classical music.

past oral no mad

@molly0xfff Did they replace the copyrighted silence with public domain silence?


@molly0xfff that's not what Simon and Garfunkle meant damnit


@molly0xfff was this on tik toks sound section used during video editing?

Douglas King

Wait a sec. By muting it aren't they then violating the copyright.

Philip C James


"You have been charged $0.00 for this copyright infringement. Make cheque payable to TikTok Ink. Failure to do so within 30 days may result in ludicrous litigation."


I once did a disco remix on 4'33" and nobody cared.

André-LA 🎀 gamedev

@molly0xfff Reminds me when I got a copyright notice by using CC0 music on my stream... which then I discovered the copyright scanner matched my sound with other music, which was a remix from the former.

That said I report as a mistake and this noticed got removed.

Santtu Sääkslahti

@molly0xfff You should have been more careful about copywrights
-The japanese released tens of years ago a singlefull of silence for jukeboxes
-John Gage heritage might have something to say - about being silent.


@molly0xfff Is this the mythical sound of silence?

millennial falcon

@molly0xfff corp owned social media will always be, even at its zenith, mere zombie ware. it's funny when they do these absurdities but every activity on those grifter platforms costs the commons something, and those costs add up to a price we simply cannot afford to pay. especially for what we get in return, which is misinformation and our time wasted.

Michael Vilain

@molly0xfff Doesn't Paul Simon still have a copyright on THE SOUND OF SILENCE?


@molly0xfff the copyright check can be disabled? Why is that?

Downes 🍁

@molly0xfff I had a video at a train crossing silenced for violating copyright - the sound of the bells at the crossing. No way to know where the claim originates, and no way to appeal.

I play with TikTok, but I would never use it for anything serious, just because of stuff like this.


@molly0xfff was it Depeche Mode? they have a song called "enjoy the silence".

Talya (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

I once got a copyright claim on a YouTube video... on white noise.



Who the **** has a copyright on silence? Death??

Christmas Tree

@molly0xfff ironically by muting it they are causing it to "infringe" even MORE


@molly0xfff @siracusa

When Cale performed his piece, it sometimes had random chair squeaks, depending on the recording.

Kevin Russell


Doesn't muting sound infringe on the copyright of silence? If they comply with the demand to mute, they break copyright.

Georg Arne Spenden

@molly0xfff There's a wonderful study by Heinrich Böll where a radio station employee collects on tape the very precious moments when politicians say - nothing.
"Dr. Murkes gesammeltes Schweigen"


To be clear, I know this isn't, and this is really happening.

but you have no idea how much my soul WISHES this was actually some sort of weird troll/in joke I'm not getting. Because this is just 'I'm going back to bed' level of awful capitalism.

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