@fluor I love this trend of normies thinking your IP address is some kind of super private thing that no one should ever know
@ocean @fluor It's funny but also sad. Everyone used to know what an IP address is. It's like a street address :neocat_pensive:
@ocean if you're not careful someome can use a website to get really innacurate gps coordinates of your isp's location 😱 😱 You will be hacked!!
@ocean@raru.re @fluor@wetdry.world it should be. thinking that it's not is overcorrecting
@ocean@raru.re @fluor@wetdry.world Normies when they find out every website they visit logs their ip
@ocean @fluor It's funny but also sad. Everyone used to know what an IP address is. It's like a street address :neocat_pensive: