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Tim Schilling

@webology could you share where I should create issues please?

Jeff Triplett

@CodenameTim Thank you. I will open a public repo on my Chicago layover. Otherwise, feel free to send anything to me whatever way is easiest for you.

Tim Schilling

@webology mobile seems to render weird with Firefox.

This is me partially scrolled to the right. It renders correctly immediately, but there's a horizontal scroll that allows for some unexpectedness.

And sorry, VERY COOL! Thank you! This is a tremoundous help.

Jeff Triplett

@CodenameTim All good. Thank you for the report. I never quite looked at mobile but I will soon.

Tim Schilling

@webology I blame seeing the sneak preview a few hours earlier 😅

Adam Johnson :django: :python:

@webology we have a few videos from @djangolondon here: . Happy to add later through any open process there may be.

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