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Julia Evans

one of my favourite categories of blog post to read/write is "here is 1 cool feature that this popular software added in the last 5-10 years that you might have missed”



@b0rk Agreed, I feel so far behind on so many fronts and these help keep it small and helpful.


@b0rk Great article! As you wrote, I really appreciate that the ecosystem has been pretty stable through the years and one can come back to a two-year-old project without having to first navigate major version upgrades of several dependencies.

Bill Mill

@b0rk I recently implemented a db struct based on the sqlite article you referenced, and this is how it came out:

I'd love to see how other people have implemented it!

Chris Simpson

@b0rk thanks, I'm using mux routing but my handlers can be a bit complex so this will help simplify them


@b0rk Hi Julia, I was curious to know how you built the categories thing in your blog page. Is the website open sourced, I'd like to have a peak and implement it in my own as well :p

Julia Evans

@mangeshm it's not open source, this is current the hugo template for the homepage though


@b0rk ohh thank you, will go through the code!

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