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1 comment

@lanodan @chjara It also became an unintentional anti-censorship feature I guess. The admins are coming after the post? Just click "save image", and you get a permanent copy immediately without the trouble of selecting text on smartphones. Later these posts will be mass-reposted by everyone all over the place. The text degrades generation by generation, but machine-unreadability is both a bliss and curse, at least it means they cannot be easily filtered out.

Recently many sites deployed OCR-based censorship, so you see more cursed variants with rotated text, or random marks people draw on top of the text to bypass the filter.

@lanodan @chjara It also became an unintentional anti-censorship feature I guess. The admins are coming after the post? Just click "save image", and you get a permanent copy immediately without the trouble of selecting text on smartphones. Later these posts will be mass-reposted by everyone all over the place. The text degrades generation by generation, but machine-unreadability is both a bliss and curse, at least it means they cannot be easily filtered out.

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