@jonoleth @abrokenjester @paninid
1. Not clearly marking it ON TOP as Fiction automatically spreads disinformation and anti-facts
2. I disagree. Even if the top post would just be a once sentence "The Empire of Austra-Hungary ceased to exist before space travel was made possible"
3. The search is without the "-" and without the word "empire" meaning it might as well be "Austria, Hungary In Space".
In short, facts should always be on top, ads should be obliterated, and AI sucks.
@WhyNotZoidberg @jonoleth @abrokenjester @paninid
How do you wish, without AI, that Google classifies the internet into fiction and non-fiction?
The screenshot isn't even of AI. It's of the knowledge graph. Noticed it doesn't say AI anywhere on it? Google has done this for years.