@nick @ryanc @LaserMistress jesus christ man
@jonoleth @ryanc @LaserMistress Have I made some sort of error? If so, can you argue to that error? If so, what's the argument for the error?
@nick @ryanc @LaserMistress you're trying to turn this into a debate by countering arguments that no one is making, and it's really weird
@jonoleth You literally told me what the argument was, and I countered it. Just take the L instead of doing these weak character attacks that just make you look like you're not tracking the conversation.
@nick @jonoleth Arf arf arf arf!
@jonoleth @ryanc @LaserMistress Have I made some sort of error? If so, can you argue to that error? If so, what's the argument for the error?