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Bill Mill

@b0rk Here's what delta looks like for me, it seems to provide what you're looking for?

Bill Mill

@b0rk I don't have a very fancy config, this is it:

the zshrc function referenced just controls setting it side-by-side on larger terminals but not narrower ones:

Julia Evans

@llimllib hmm this is what I get from delta for my input

Bill Mill

@b0rk It looks like `max-line-distance` is the config for when delta considers two lines to be same-but-changed as opposed to new lines.

If you gist it I could play around with the settings a bit?

Bill Mill

@b0rk Interesting! delta with no options set works for me.

(I initially tested on delta 0.17.0, noticed that there was a newer version, and it works unchanged on 0.18.2)

edit: I had to drop `--max-line-distance` down to 0.1 to reproduce the behavior you're seeing

Julia Evans

@llimllib weird! I tried with (I think) the exact same versions and command line arguments but I get the same thing as before

Bill Mill

@b0rk I'm stumped! Do the `--diff-highlight` or`--diff-so-fancy` arguments change anything?

Here's my `delta --show-config`:

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