@SeverinGeo #ALT4you
Image 1: Ilya is standing at a podium, presenting a demonstration of the Every Door app. The screen behind him shows a photograph of a park scene with a bench and trees on the left and a map with various pins on the right. The presentation is focused on showcasing the mapping capabilities of the app.

Image 2: A wider view of the presentation room with Ilya at the podium. The audience is seated in red chairs, watching a demonstration of the Every Door app on the screen. The banner for "State of the Map" is visible to the side, along with logos of sponsors. The screen shows images of outdoor mapping elements.

Image 3: Ilya continues his presentation, standing at the podium while an image of a tree in a grassy area is displayed on the screen behind him. The Every Door app interface is visible on the right side of the screen, demonstrating how to map objects like trees and other features.