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@pixouls @brion we were so close to good open social networks. A liitle more glue to allow comments from within RSS clients and auto follow the RSS comment feed when replying and we would have had everything any of the closed gardens really give us, but completely open and decentralised.

Amelia Meyer

@LovesTha @pixouls @brion like linking it up to xmpp maybe.

I miss xmpp...


@agmlego @pixouls @brion Nah, just having comment forms that conform to a standard restful interface so RSS clients could easily create an account and post.

Amelia Meyer

@LovesTha @pixouls @brion ...sure, could reinvent the wheel that way. ;-P


@agmlego @pixouls @brion XMPP being a live chat protocol has different needs to a comment thread.

It would be a bit weird embedding a XMPP client into every blog post. (Or every site having a XMPP to blog database bridge). I guess your suggesting a channel for each post?

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