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Burnt Veggies

Bwahaha. That might be the best thing I've ever seen.

I live in a college town, and one Halloween out doorbell rang and we opened our door expecting to see trick or treaters — but was another door! Like, a full-on wooden door, that had a sign that said "Please knock." So we did, and the door swung open to reveal a bunch of college dudes dressed as really old grandmothers, curlers in their hair, etc, who proceeded to coo over our "costumes" and tell us we were such "cute trick or treaters!" One even pinched my cheek. Then THEY gave US candy, closed the door, picked it up, and headed to the next house.

@Whoa @Burnt_Veggies
When I trick or treated in college, we planned a little "show" to put on, so people wouldn't object to giving candy to us. I had a friend who had grown up in Thailand - he owned a real, taxidermied cobra. So wore a turban and played the stereotypical snake-charmer music. Another friend tap-danced. I blacked out my front teeth, wore a hockey jersey, and spouted quotes from poetry and Shakespeare's works. Everyone had a shtick. We made people laugh. But this is brilliant!😍

Burnt Veggies

@hmmwrites @Whoa I know, right? I'm kinda jealous that I didn't think of it when I was young.


@Burnt_Veggies @hmmwrites @Whoa That sort of thing was tradition where I grew up in Scotland, you were expected to tell a joke or sing or something to get your reward. It was called 'Guising' there (short for disguising)

CharJTF :a11y: (she/her)

@Burnt_Veggies That's awesome! Thanks for sharing (and for the alt text, which means I can share it).



I love that.

It kind of reminds me of taking the kids to give residents of a memory care unit "Easter Baskets" with things which seniors might like. (It was a charity program for young kids to do nice things for people in the community.)

Only problem was, they were totally confused and thought they'd given the baskets to the kids.

I mean, that wasn't a prank, but it was chaotic and funny in a weirdly wholesome way. The kids ended up having to take the baskets and thank the seniors who were very happy the kids liked the "gifts".

The kids, in turn, went around the corner and left the contents of the baskets so the memory care folks could eventually use them. 🤣


I love that.

It kind of reminds me of taking the kids to give residents of a memory care unit "Easter Baskets" with things which seniors might like. (It was a charity program for young kids to do nice things for people in the community.)

Only problem was, they were totally confused and thought they'd given the baskets to the kids.

Tidings of Comfort & Jo

@Burnt_Veggies i love that they went all the way with it too. It was perfect.

Burnt Veggies

@JoBlakely They went all in, for sure. Reminds me of when I was a kid, my dad made costumes for my brother and I. One year he made us Miller Lite cans. Every house we went to we had to wait while they went to find their camera. 🤣

Tidings of Comfort & Jo

@Burnt_Veggies Halloween was major big in our family and we had an annual Halloween party and everyone dressed up. Old and young. It got so over the top. One cousin went as a massive snow globe of Canada with her inside the globe. It was amazing. We all pulled together some incredible costumes.

Burnt Veggies

@JoBlakely Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, too. My wife and I used to dress up and go downtown bar hopping on Halloween. We've been, Morticia and Gomez Addams, The Incredibles, Wayne and Garth, etc.

Tidings of Comfort & Jo

Some of my favorite costumes I’ve made have been Seaweed (at a shipwreck themed party), The Angel of Death (with a huge taffeta skirt, corset, batwing lace wings, and a tombstone crown. A more recent fave was as a lion tamer with top hat, a velvet long jacket with tails, boots, a whip, and a lion stuffed toy (my favorite part). I am a late October baby, so all my birthdays and Halloween were costumed.

Burnt Veggies

@JoBlakely That's so cool. My birth month is January so too cold to do anything fun and everyone is broke from Christmas. 😂


@Burnt_Veggies ::applause::

THAT is it. They win Halloween.

Burnt Veggies

@faraiwe Wish I knew who it was so I could give them credit.


@Burnt_Veggies no joke. That, right there, is pure genius.

A favorite cartoonist (Henfil) once said humor is the inversion of expectation. They NAILED it, brilliantly, in circumstances that are so common and well established, that a healthy expression of humor is hard to achieve.

12/10, no notes.

Sordid Amok!

@Burnt_Veggies I've lived in this college town for 40 years and all the college kids here do is have keggers and make noise. How did you get clever fun college kids?

Burnt Veggies

@SordidAmok Ha. The original post is not mine. I found it on Facebook and the person that shared it on Facebook found it on Instagram. I have no idea who the original poster is or I'd give them credit. I was just passing it along. Too good not to share.

Matt Boehm

My kid dressed up as Willy Wonka and walked around handing out candy to the kids as he walked around.

Jeremy Jupiter Jones


My favourite Halloween prank is answering the door and telling the kids that they are supposed to give me a treat. After the subsequent protests from the visitors I handsomely reward those kids who offered me something from their cache of goodies. Give and you shall receive I say with a wink and a smile.

Burnt Veggies

@NicoleJLeBoeuf Right? It's simultaneously hilarious and heartwarming.

Lisra The Grey Cat

@Burnt_Veggies in the days before YouTube Canadian group loadingreadyrun made a video of them going door to door singing Christmas carols in Halloween with sweaters and everything.


@Burnt_Veggies in college we got snowed into our dorm one day. I went to take the elevator down to the first floor and I was presented with a full office. A desk and chair, an office plant, a lamp and posters on the wall. A student at the desk in a suit asked me to please sign my name, the floor I enetered from, and where I was going. Then he called his assistant by the controls to hit the first floor button. When we got there he asked me to please rate my trip and leave a comment.

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