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Kim Scheinberg

This is not a chart depicting Moore’s Law.

This chart is the CRAYOLA COROLLARY showing that the number of Crayola crayon colors doubles approximately every 18 years.

a chart that starts in 1903 with only 8 crayon colors (black, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple red) that shows the number of colors doubling (the colors themselves subdivide on the chart at each year marker) in 1935 and again in 1945m 1958m 1972m 1990, 1998, and 2010 until there are hundreds of colors


Lego Lemma: You can estimate someone’s age by the number of Lego brick colors they associate with childhood.


@kims imagine if pantone and crayola teamed up!

Kevin Teljeur ❄️

@kims @catnip Pantone rubbing their thighs, panting: This could be an NFT or something

Prashant Pradhan

@kims 1972-1990 should have been the final set


@kims makes sense, their packages always seem to be powers of 2. Are they selling the 1024 pack yet? More importantly, does it have the built in sharpener?


@kims 1. Another doubling due soon! 2. Will need to come in a wheeled case or at least shoulder straps. 😉

Allan Chow


Stoner ⚽️☑️

@kims when I was little I only used black crayons. My parents would go to art stores and get packs of only black crayons. They had my eyes tested. I was just pure goth as a toddler

Laura Sykes #Greeneralia

This is a metaphor for something - human demand for constant growth?
#StopGrowth in rich countries #Degrowth?


@kims I remember when we got our first 48 count box. I’d wanted shiny kids’ colors like silver, gold and copper but for those you needed rich parents to get the 64 or 128 count.

‘1962: Partly in response to the civil rights movement, Crayola decides to change the name of the “flesh” crayon to “peach.” Renaming this crayon was a way of recognizing that skin comes in a variety of shades.’


@kims I remember when you knew your parents had money when they could afford to buy you the 64-crayon box, the one with the sharpener in the back. LOL. That was like Christmas and your birthday all rolled into one.

Todd Parsons

@kims Gonna start using the Crayola 1903 palette in all my creative projects now


@kims Well, at least that's slower than the rate of inflation, right??


@kims in a about 540 years there a more crayola colors then particles in the universe.


@kims I love the Crayola Corollary chart!

I wonder if our ability to distingush colors is growing over time...

Gizem Karaali

@kims This is awesome! Do you have a reference for it or it is your work? I'd love to use it in my classes as a neat example of visualization.

Claire Barnes

@isophetry Thank you! I loved the follow-on article about the conversations leading to this subsequent improvement in the design:

#DataVisualization #DataViz #colour @kims

The Crayola colour chart transformed "rainbow style", with the colours radiating out in the shape of a fan, as described in the linked article.

@ClaireFromClare @kims Color theory fans and geologists *absolutely must* check out this amazing hand drawn collection of rocks organized by color.

Claire Barnes

Oh no, another 🕳️ 🐇 !
& then more on - a whole rabbit warren!
& elephant paths, since the designer is here on 🐘 - glad to have found you @Rougeux 💐

#DataVisualization #DataViz #mineralogy #iconography #botany #Euclid #Palladio #architecture #MathematicalInstruments #maths #colour #ColorPrinter @kims


Crayola should start giving HEX and RGB numbers on the crayons to help kids learn Design and CSS secretly. Or at least this future proofs them when they have run out of names! #stem #css #crayola #design

Jason Lawton :wordpress:

@isophetry they can add it to the list of other languages. English, Spanish, French, hex, rgb()

Chris Golding

@kims how is this a thing? And which will end first color doubling or Moore’s Law?

Deborah Pickett

@kims Art imitates nature! Immediately reminded me of this classic image from chaos theory.

Attractors for the logistic map x ← rx(1−x) for various values of r.
Ag Terrane

@kims And there STILL not enough colors 😄

lorddimwit: not a typewriter


So if we do our computation using differently colored Wang tiles we should be able to continue doubling our computational efficiency every 18 years indefinitely.

Ben Grue

@kims my god

At this rate the universe will be entirely Crayola by...

(counts on fingers)



I remain convinced that in the 1980s I had a Crayola that was called "poo brown" 💩


@kims neat. Wonder what the lego colour timeline looks like

bss, his eyes uncovered
@kims as a new parent I discovered that according to Crayola I don't know a damn thing about colors

@kims yet Crayola still doesn't make a colour for your eyes!
(Link to: Crayola Doesn't Make a Color for Your Eyes - Song by Kristin Andreassen on YouTube)


@kims if you invert this it shows global species decline projections. Viola

Eubie Drew 𓅪𐃘𓃰


The future of the rainbow flag. 🏳️‍🌈

Bert Latamore

@kims Wow.Fun with
Crayola colors.

John Carlsen


Last year I wrote a page about light and color, and included information about Crayola crayon colors by year and box size. (See charts near the bottom.)


@kims The 90s were harsh. Multiple lineages went extinct.

Steven Lipton

@kims There is an personal historical Irony to this. Decades ago, on February 12th when I had my 64 box of crayolas we were instructed by our 2nd grade teacher to color a picture of Abraham lincoln. Being color blind I picked sea green for the fleshtone, and got ridiculed in fornt of the class for it. Today, If I'm not working digital, I rarely use more than black or brown crayons for sketching, but they are a lot cleaner than conte or charcoal when working tableside for sketches, which I still would prefer in natural media.

@kims There is an personal historical Irony to this. Decades ago, on February 12th when I had my 64 box of crayolas we were instructed by our 2nd grade teacher to color a picture of Abraham lincoln. Being color blind I picked sea green for the fleshtone, and got ridiculed in fornt of the class for it. Today, If I'm not working digital, I rarely use more than black or brown crayons for sketching, but they are a lot cleaner than conte or charcoal when working tableside for sketches, which I still would...


@kims It is the perfect illustration of the consumer society


@kims well now I know which chart to use in future, thanks! :D


@kims So, it's Moore's Law but for USMC snack flavors, you say...


And yet, they still make hardly any good bright pinks. ::sulks::

Allan Chow

@kims they're all the same color in my tummy tho


@kims This makes me want to run out & buy a new box of Crayons 🖍️😆

Sky UwU

@kims Honestly, having less colors and making them better to mix would be more ideal I think haha

Extreme Electronics

@kims They have never improved on the taste of the original blue.

Darran Lofthouse

@kims Crayola colours are my inspiration to check which colours my lights understand.


@kims For 32 years, it wasn't possible to draw something white with Cryaola on paper that wasn't.

David P


Crayola Corollary is a great band name

Rose, Naenia Typica

@kims oh shit my mental color chart is stuck in 1903.....

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