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Seasons of Jason

I have zero confidence left in Mozilla's leadership. In fact, here's a bold prediction: the Thunderbird team (operating under the wholly owned subsidiary known as MZLA) will be more profitable within 5 years than Mozilla Corporation. Yes, that same dying product Mozilla abandoned in 2012. The one the COMMUNITY kept alive and the one that is now thriving.

Eventually Mozilla will approach MZLA begging them to come back...

(Note that I'm saying this as someone no longer employed there.)

Campbell Jones

@killyourfm It's becoming difficult to separate my favorite web browser from the serial foot-shooter that develops it...

Jungle George 🌿🌳🌴

@killyourfm I've been wishing for years they'd just implode, and something better can rise from the ashes. It's painful to see it being run into the ground like this πŸ˜’


@killyourfm Thunderbird is great. Nuff said really. My desktop client on all machines now and K-9 on the Android phone. The only thing that isn't super fast is where I still have to access Gmail 'because legacy'... but not for much longer. IMAP into my own mail server accounts is lightning fast but the g-behemoth... soon be gone!
Firefox is still working well for me but I recall when I ditched it some years ago, after it contracted 'galloping featuritis' and ground to a snail's pace πŸ˜•

Seasons of Jason

One of the weirdest disconnects happened a few months ago when I received a Mozilla Foundation newsletter about the evils of big corporations building unethical AI. It was a donation appeal so they could gear up to "fight" against companies like OpenAI.

This doesn't seem strange until you consider that Mozilla is currently paying a ChatGPT Enterprise license for all ~1000 of its employees. And encouraging them to use it for productivity, brainstorming, & code.

Yea, it didn't sit well. At all.


@killyourfm In light of their sidebar to integrate AI into the browser, too.

Seasons of Jason

@tamitha Yyyyyeeea. What about Why not include your own product in there? That was my first thought, anyway.

Campbell Jones

@killyourfm Roughly how much of their free $400 million from Google is going directly into ChatGPT?

Seasons of Jason

@serebit I'm not aware of the specific financials, honestly.

Campbell Jones

@killyourfm That's fine, I already know the answer: too much.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@killyourfm Feels like Mozilla grows ever less competent by day.

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