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Christof Damian 💙💛

"Don't mix encoding and decoding between AMD and Intel"

"MP3s sound so much warmer than the clinical FLACs, especially with VBR"

"I have a collection of original IUMA recordings I like to play on my emulated WinAMP 0.20a"

"For extra cleanliness I like to use the original Frauenhofer decoder and pipe it to /dev/audio on a classic kernel"


@cdamian @vidister @Gargron to the hardware guys: has anyone built a mostly-analog MP3 decoder already? Surely there is a bit of digital frontend, but do we really have to all computations in cold digital realm and then put it through a digital-sounding DAC? it'd be much warmer to the ear if most of the decoding was already pure and fat analog!!

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