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L. Rhodes

I'm not saying never crosspost. I'm willing to grant that there are probably some circumstances in which a limited degree of automated crossposting makes sense. But if your goal is to encourage people to migrate to a healthier social media environment, then it makes sense to be very thoughtful and restrained about how you mirror posts from one platform to another. And I don't think we're thoughtful enough about it. I certainly wasn't.

Luci for dyeing

@lrhodes and also if you ask a question and it gets crossposted; and someone goes to actual time and effort to answer it; perhaps with an essay length history of a subject; it’s insulting if you don’t bother to even read it cos you’re not even looking at that platform you supposedly want to better.

Marcus Rohrmoser 🌻

@lrhodes what do you think about the shift of priority that brings – the 'big ones' just spread the word. #IndieWeb #POSSE

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