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q3k :blobcatcoffee:

Looks like Newag isn't satisfied with how their civil lawsuit against us in Warsaw is going - because they just filed another one, this time in Gdańsk, and from another corporate entity they manage. And to add to the pile of arbitrary accusations, this time it's about unfair competition (again) and violation of their corporate personality rights (slander?).

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

We didn't receive the paperwork yet - we just learned about this through a post on Twitter by someone who happened to look at their executive board report for 2024H1. We'll only know what this is about once we actually receive the lawsuit. Hopefully this time they managed to use our real postal addresses. (page 26).

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

In the same report they say there have suffered no financial losses from our work, so I'm curious to know what personality rights we've supposedly violated.

Oh, and why in Gdańsk and not Warsaw as the other lawsuit? Why another legal entity? I sure hope they have a good reason and they're not just trying to shop around for a better jurisdiction while also increasing our defense costs, because that would be a dick move (apologies for the legal jargon).

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