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Paul Wilde

@selea I’ve searched for this myself, haven’t found anything decent yet.

There’s an auto config XML file you can create, but that’s only for IMAP, pop and SMTP… No active sync 😞


@selea You mean the IMAP & SMTP autoconfiguration, where you enter an email address and the program automatically figures out the servers?

Dunno about SoGo, but for Thunderbird, that was placing a static XML at https://autoconfig.$domain/mail/config-v1.1.xml

Something along these lines:

:debian: πšœπšŽπš•πšŽπšŠ :t_blink:


yeah exactly like that, I actually employ autoconfig (autoconfig is for Thunderbird basically), and I need something similar in order to have exchange compatibility.


@selea I definitely used to set up some self-hosted stuff, but that was a good 14 years ago... not sure if it'd still work. Will see if I can find any of my old notes.

:debian: πšœπšŽπš•πšŽπšŠ :t_blink:


I tried something that was supposed to work with old exchange, but my devices did not like it :(

However, I just found this:

Maybe it works, but it looks wonky

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