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Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot

@becomethewaifu @LorenzoAncora You can grep for copyright names other than the author's, also:

git shortlog -sne

This gives you a list of authors and how many commits they pushed. Then for example you can do:

git whatchanged --author="author's name"

You can then replace "whatchanged" with "show" in each instance:

git show COMMITID

This shows the diff. Then run:

git blame file

"file" is the file that changed. Find the lines created by that diff.

Find names other than the lead maintainer.

1 comment
Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot

@becomethewaifu @LorenzoAncora Note that, even if all parts not belonging to stenzek were removed, anything deriving from those parts must also be removed, even if belonging to stenzek.

That is, unless stenzek gets permission from those authors for such relicensing.

See, this is why people may use the MIT license instead. If they want to later be able to make proprietary versions of the software, they can; they cannot do this if it's under GPL unless the copyright is fully theirs, on all code.

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