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Dave Rupert

@philipwalton Do you know of any bundle analysis tooling that covers this ES5/6 gap? I also think about stuff like SVGs that sneak into bundles and tanks performance. Or like Jake's post about a setTimeout in an IFFE. Is there a Lighthouse for bundles?

Most bundle analyzers I see are just tree-graphs, which is helpful but not critical about how much "over-compiled" code has leeched into your build.

Philip Walton

@davatron5000 There is a `legacy-javascript` audit in Lighthouse that's been there for a while, though it doesn't seem like that many people are aware of it (and I also couldn't find a documentation page for it, so maybe that's partly why?).

Dave Rupert

@philipwalton Oh gosh. Yeah. This is great. I guess I haven't seen this in quite some time so I forgot about it.

Mayhaps I write a post about it so it gets more attention.

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