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So let me get this straight:

Github scanned a bunch of open source projects.

They trained an AI with it.

They basically ignored the licenses and tried to shove a "because we are basically copying GPL code, it doesn't mean the result is GPL".

And now they are charging for it?


Guess it really it is time to call it "Microsoft Github", then?


The thread on birdsite is hilarious/sad:

There are a good number of people asking if it will be free for educators.

Why the fuck someone teaching a language would need something to automatically create code in that language?!?


More hilarious/sad comments:

"Will it be free for students?"

My child, you're learning to code and you want free access to something that writes code for you? What's the point of learning to code, then? Just how to write the perfect comment for the someone/something complete the code for you?


Ok, serious question now:

MS Github scanned whole repositories to train Copilot. Trying to move your code to another service (say, Gitlab) won't delete what it already learnt from your open source project.

But will MS Github still scan new repositories? Or will it find it "done" and now just learn from active, paying users?

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