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Ilya Zverev

Had fifteen minutes yesterday to create three illustrative maps for a public transport counsel. Looked at QGIS and thought, too complex.

Opened @felt , registered, and drew the maps pretty quick. Their editor is pretty good! Loved the "add route" feature.

Alas no printing feature, so I had to manually adjust zoom to a fractional number, and make screenshots which I then printed.

Map on a grey base map, with a thick red line standing for a bus 57 proposed route. Dashed black line marks part to be obsoleted. There are five new stops named: Kraavi, Astri, Valdeku, Haava and Näituse.

@zverik Hello! Glad to hear that you like the editor and add to route feature. We have a free 14-day trial of our team plan, which allows you to export to images or other geospatial files. And it opens up all of the spatial analysis tools and the API.

Ilya Zverev

@felt Thanks, I know of the trial — because the website pushed that on me, without explaining.

But it also doesn't explain what's the benefits, and I haven't seen exporting options in the "share" menu I expected them to be.

Just now I learned that the logo is also a menu (!) with all the exporting options hidden in 3rd level.

Also, how do I rename the map? Clicking on "Untitled Map" does nothing, and it's not in the menu.

I know the product is good, but discoverability suffers a bit :)


@zverik Hey Ilya, thanks for the feedback!

You can see all of the benefits on this page:

To rename a map, you'll first need to click on the Edit Map button on the top right.

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