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Emma (IPG)

the console modding process should teach you why you should always keep your OS and web browser up to date... given the process for PS3, Wii U, Vita, PS4 etc is just going to a webpage in the browser and getting full kernel access

imagine that but on your computer or your phone

mixed berry social anxiety disorder 🍓

@ipg i have almost certainly mentioned this to you before but i love the 3ds hacking talk at whatever security conference, where they switch to a slide that says "the 3ds browser uses webkit" and the crowd cheers

Emma (IPG)

@monorail i think my second favourite is marcan talking about modding the PS4 at the same conference and just skipping over the exploit process because "it's webkit on freebsd it's boring anyone can do it"

mixed berry social anxiety disorder 🍓

@ipg related: it's so funny to me that there was someone in the 3ds hacks community that was angry that there was a known exploit that wasn't being released (it was suspected that a major update was coming soon so they were saving the exploit). they thought "just release it for the people who can't hack their consoles yet and find another exploit after the update, it can't be that hard"

and then, to prove their point, they found and released an exploit in like a week

...then months later they came crawling back like "yeah i got super lucky, this is hard as hell"

@ipg related: it's so funny to me that there was someone in the 3ds hacks community that was angry that there was a known exploit that wasn't being released (it was suspected that a major update was coming soon so they were saving the exploit). they thought "just release it for the people who can't hack their consoles yet and find another exploit after the update, it can't be that hard"

yuki - queen of the snow
@ipg @monorail i also love how marcan casually dropped in the Q&A he was running latest firmware, which there were no public exploits for at the time

that whole talk was incredible tbh
vozy 🎀

@ipg fuck yeah freeShop for windows ??

Emma (IPG)

update your browsers and computers folx. if you are using outdated forks of Firefox on Windows 7 i would suggest not doing that

:h_s1::h_s2::h_s3::h_s4::h_s5: reminds me of someone i saw maining windows 7 to play cs2 because they got like 600fps with it to make it "playable" despite having the most overkill fucking hardware that could literally play the game on windows 10/11 just fine and they refused to upgrade because "you can't debloat the kernel!!!!! it makes it slow!!!!!"

bomberfish :neocat_verified:

@ipg the situation is even worse on older versions of macos, the best browser you can get on 10.6 is a port of firefox 105 using the ui from 55

enderman0125 :neofox_flag_bi: :neofox_box:

@ipg people who continue to use windows 7 because its "better than windows 10 and has no bloat" will never make sense

if you care that much about bloat, windows is the last OS you should be using

also installing several hacks into your kernel and using community forks of chrome and firefox that run on windows 7 are stupid, suck it up and use windows 10 there are several themes for windows 10 that make it look like 7 and a lot of them are really good too

enderman0125 :neofox_flag_bi: :neofox_box:

@ipg i will however give credit to the windows 7 holdouts for willing to backport every software known to the human race to windows 7

i dont know how they do it every time I've said "use windows 10" they've thrown a temper tantrum at me and constantly acted like a moron but when it comes to backporting entire web browser engines and implementing newer api functions they're like einstein

Lea (headpat dispenser) the amount of tantrums people threw when valve announced they'd drop windows 7 support was absolutely hilarious
"they're taking my games away" your games are gonna take themselves away once you accidentally connect your computer to the internet and some malware steals your account credentials lmfao


@mudkip @ipg I can understand liking Windows 7 for the nostalgia & less pre-installed spyware angle, but don't connect it to the live internet

That One Average 成

@mudkip No lie, if someone's already at the point of using hacks and workarounds to keep Windows 7 alive just 'cuz they don't want to use Windows 10/11...

Then they have no reason to just switch to Linux tbh. It's actually *less work* and you'd have *more support* doing that.

Emma (IPG)

Since certain people need this spelling out specifically: I mean imagine the concept of *visiting a single link in your web browser* leading to *something* getting full access over your device. And by single link I mean, let's say, some random embedded ad, or a sketchy piracy site, or a link someone on Discord sent that you accidentally clicked on

Update your browsers and computers and phones

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

@ipg yeah this is something i thought about because i have an ipad with ios 16.something

i can either install whatever software i want on it, including linux vms but you know, have a version of safari probably with many high risk cve s in it

Proxfox Virtual Environment 🦊

to be fair this is more of a "stop linking your browser updates to the os" and a "just let me install software i wanna install" take

bomberfish :neocat_verified:


or your phone

iirc safari/webkit was a major entry point for older ios jailbreaks

@fish @ipg For A While You Had To Jailbreak To Patch The JailbreakMe Browser Exploit.
@ipg >update your phone
>99% of android vendors when they ship like 3 updates max (or 0!) and you cant do shit:

about one of the only good things ios does tbh
linear cannon this has, in fact, also been the process for some phone jailbreaks (at least iphone, not sure about android). which is exactly as terrifying as it sounds

Luna Lactea

@ipg I love updating so much I update my computer multiple times a day I love updating I love updating

John Kilty

@ipg It's strange you view this as a threat when it's people just gaining full control over the hardware they purchased.

Emma (IPG)

@Kilty The point is a website can hack your shit but thanks for missing it

bitten2up "always keep your OS and web browser up to date..." unless if its a gameconsole


@ipg WTF, I thought console modding would need a boot USB stick at least, or like the android rooting process where you need to install an android dev kit on your PC & plug the phone into it

not just "go to website, be hacked"

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