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Hrefna (DHC)

If you run a consensus #blocklist I would suggest removing as a trusted source, recognizing that you are getting most of the same information from your other trusted sources (usually .art and r.l) as it is.

If you use them for _filtering_ (removal) purposes (you have a list and their list is simply used as a bias check) as opposed to additive purposes this of course doesn't apply.

If you manually review, please factor this in when you are doing that evaluation.

1 comment
Hrefna (DHC)

Note that this extends, though more weakly, to .art and r.l if they are sources for your blocklist: there's clear documentation right now of .art drawing their list directly from recommendations (via fediblock) without review or with only pro forma review, and r.l shares a moderator with .art (or did last I checked).


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