@Angle @pamleo65 @Daojoan
I served 3 terms on Napa City Council, and before that, 6 years on the County Planning Commission and about 8 years on the City Planning Commission. Affordable housing was and will always be - a big issue there. Second homes for wealthy Bay Area residents are also a big issue. Each city and community is different - so local land use and zoning is important. Some states have begun regulating land use - such as Oregon eliminating exclusive single family zoning.
@mizblueprint @pamleo65 @Daojoan I went poking around Napa on street view - it looks like it really shouldn't be that hard to build lots more housing there, if people really wanted to. Wide roads, huge parking lots, vast swathes of single family homes, etc, etc. Same as much of the rest of America. Building can be expensive, sure - but that itself is amenable to change, if people really want to change it.