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Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

@mudkip it's funny because it's true.

i remember when xml was introduced and everyone was like, "everything is going to xml. it's the best thing that has ever been imagined."

and then they came up with wsdls and everyone vomited up their lunches.

The Witch of Crow Briar

@arrrg @mudkip And then JSON came along and made it look sensible.

The Witch of Crow Briar

@arrrg “But this is just CSV with extra st-“
“Silence! XML… I mean JSON… I mean YAML… is THE FUTURE!!1!!!eleven!”

Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

@crowbriarhexe one day json will rule the world and everyone will bend the knee. or maybe jsonp.

Jeff Grigg

@arrrg @mudkip

And SOAP, which is an acronym for

*NOT* Simple
*NOT* Object-Oriented


Well, OK; they got the last half kinda' "right." 🙄

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