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Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose

Calling for the help of the fediverse!
Help spread the word of our browser extension Consent-O-Matic that helps automate answering those ever-present cookie consent pop-ups.

It's developed by researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark and free to use for Chrome/Edge, Firefox and Safari including for iOS.

Also, it's open source, so if you have a bit of technical skill, you can help us improve the rule set for greater coverage.

Melroy van den Berg

@clemens It would be nice if, just like uBlock origin, you can select the pop-up you want to get rid off.. So it's more proactively helping me to block those annoying pop-ups.

Currently, I only can submit that there is an issue with the current site..

ALSO... You can disable cookies in the browser, the EU law needs to be updated to not enforce these stupid pop-ups! I really got sick of EU parliament that are nontechnical people, creating this mess in the first place. #cookies

Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose

@melroy we've been having various ideas of how users could teach the extension to handle new/unknown pop-ups through instruction. Is it something like that you have in mind?

Julian Fietkau

@clemens Oh, I didn't know that's by your group. 🙂 I've had it on my to-do list to swap an (older) add-on I've been using for Consent-o-matic and see how well it works. Did that just now!

Sven Slootweg

@clemens Oh hey, I've been using that, nice to see you here :)

Trinsec Been using this extension for a while now, it's really handy! It works nicely on Vivaldi too!


@clemens @fluidlogic Does that include for the BS “legitimate interest” options? Sometimes I find that selecting Reject All doesn’t necessarily reject those. :/


@WhiteCatTamer @clemens @fluidlogic I’m also interested in getting an answer to this!

Andrés Monroy-Hernández

@clemens @julian I downloaded the iOS app. Very smooth. Love it when academic researchers ship public interest software ❤️


@clemens I've been using it on Firefox for ages, it's very satisfying!


@scottytrees @clemens "I Still Don't Care About Cookies" accepts cookies, Consent-O-Matic denies them unless you configure it otherwise.

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@clemens I love this extension, used it for ages, thank you so much :3


@clemens Personally i use "I still don't care about cookies", but getting rid of #gdpr #CookieBanners is important.



If anyone wants to get distracted with a side task:

IMO, 10 years ago, when you searched for extensions to add, Firefox did a pretty good job of showing you useful extensions

Now, not so much

so a better place to look for extensions ? a "curated" list ?

hazelnot :yell:

@clemens I've been using it for years, hope it won't just vanish one day cause it's basically essential if you live in the EU and don't wanna have to choose between spending 40 minutes unchecking boxes or clicking "allow all" out of exasperation

hazelnot :yell:

@clemens wish it was compatible with Firefox for Android though 😔

Danny Boling ☮️


I love this extension! It's saved me a couple of hundred mouse clicks so far


@clemens doesn't work with firefox for android 😒


@craftyguy @clemens it does, I use it.
It used to work directly, but for some reason it was marked as incompatible with phones. Either way, if you go to the addons page and set view as desktop in FF mobile the install button will get enabled. :)


@knezi @clemens thanks, ya that does allow me to install it on android FF 😁

Niamh (he/him)

Does it reject all cookies for those who don't wish to consent (as the name implies)?

Nicola Fabiano

Great resource. I already knew and used it.
Congratulations on your work.
IMHO, it needs some improvement, and I'm sure you're already working on them.

C++ Guy

@clemens #ConsentOMatic is a great extension, and I mention it here at the flimsiest excuse. Thanks for writing and maintaining it!

Stefan Ihringer

@clemens Thank you for that extension! I use it every day. The only problem is that I can’t remember its name whenever I‘m setting up a new PC. 🙃



I installed this thing in iPad Safari. It needs to be given a permission to run, and in the process I got the thingummy info as shown in the attached picture. Never mind, if you can’t read all of it, but it is a warning that the whatchamacallit can or may read sensitive info including passwords, credit cards etc.

Well, another look into the thingamajig home page, and yes it says there: “When you install Consent-O-Matic, you will see a pop-up from your browser that says it can ‘access your data for all websites’ (or something similar depending on which browser you use). You get this warning because – –″

Checking the good Associate Professor’s personal home page on the Aarhus Uni server: looks legit. Aarhus or Århus is an existing city, or at least it was so many moons ago when I once participated a conference there.

So now I am left to dispute with myself, how much trust in what I have. Wonder if Denmark still is a real thing... 🤔


I installed this thing in iPad Safari. It needs to be given a permission to run, and in the process I got the thingummy info as shown in the attached picture. Never mind, if you can’t read all of it, but it is a warning that the whatchamacallit can or may read sensitive info including passwords, credit cards etc.

Ale Funguju

@clemens I've been using the extension for a few months now and I absolutely love it!

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

@clemens I’ve been using it on iOS and Firefox for a long while!

James Britt


Been using a bookmarklet and a Tampermonkey script that removes the "sticky" markup from the page.

Never have to consent to anything.


This is a great tool. I think Ghostery also do a 'never consent' on their plugin that works pretty well too.

Mark Chick

@clemens Sounds great. Thank you. In addition to automating consent requests, does it reject/object to attempts to use cookies or similar on the basis of legitimate interest?


I keep installing this on my friends machines, doing my part!!

Juho Mäntysalo


Not complaining, just curious: what technological reasons make it hard to make add-ons like yours difficult to run on Android?


@clemens Been using this since it was announced on twitter and it's a life-saver. Thank you!

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@clemens Amazing addon, have been using it for a long time and it's getting better and better ^__^ Thanks so much! 💖


@clemens And what combination of settings should I set in order to keep all the features for trusted sites to work properly?

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