Calling for the help of the fediverse!
Help spread the word of our browser extension Consent-O-Matic that helps automate answering those ever-present cookie consent pop-ups.
It's developed by researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark and free to use for Chrome/Edge, Firefox and Safari including for iOS.
Also, it's open source, so if you have a bit of technical skill, you can help us improve the rule set for greater coverage.
@clemens It would be nice if, just like uBlock origin, you can select the pop-up you want to get rid off.. So it's more proactively helping me to block those annoying pop-ups.
Currently, I only can submit that there is an issue with the current site..
ALSO... You can disable cookies in the browser, the EU law needs to be updated to not enforce these stupid pop-ups! I really got sick of EU parliament that are nontechnical people, creating this mess in the first place. #cookies