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Farooq Karimi Zadeh

Let's see how many Muslims are out there on Fediverse. Are you a #muslim?

#Islam #Religion #God

Please boost it so we can have more accurate statistics.

Anonymous poll


I am a Muslim
Not a Muslim
2,443 people voted.
Voting ended 11 September at 15:18.

@farooqkz 4 me, religion is an aberration of humanity



A reminder that Mastodon polls may appear to be anonymous, but the server/database admin(s) have access to individual voting data.

EDIT: And the poster, in their raw message archive!


@gamambel @farooqkz and the poll creator as well—by downloading the archive you can check who voted for which options

Eric the Cerise


A further reminder that literally nothing on Mastodon is anonymous.

Conduct yourself as you see fit, but never forget that.


Farooq Karimi Zadeh


Everyone are free for their choice of religion/belief. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure you haven't checked some of the Persian and Arabic philosophy texts containing proofs and arguments. Soon enough, I will launch a website and translate these texts to English.

In fact the reason many people disbelieve in God is because they disbelieve in Christianity and they dislike some religious authority like church. That is, many of us have such these motivations influencing our decisions.

Sternwarte Vach (Andy)

@farooqkz i don't say "do not believe in God", i say I do not believe in God. that's all ;)

and yes i have read all great manifests and i did not see any proof.

I find it good that you believe in this, and i wish you all luck finding what you are searching for. ❤️


@farooqkz @sternwarte ooh would love to read these. Do they have a lot if dualism?


@farooqkz You are correct that many people (myself included) dislike religious authority. For me it is because so often in history and present time, religious authority was and is used to exert power over people, be it moralistic or by force. That happened in Christianity, but it also in the other big religions. Looking to Iran or Afghanistan, I see authoritarian states build in the name of Islam. So looking at the big picture, I don't see a difference in the effect of different religions.



I think you do not know what a proof is.


@farooqkz @sternwarte Except you’re an Iranian, living in Iran. So you’ve never lived under the authority of church. So I’m very curious what do you really mean by "influencing OUR decisions", since (I’m assuming) you born Muslim and lived in a Muslim country.

Farooq Karimi Zadeh

@hirad @sternwarte

Church and the Iran regime aren't much different from my point of view. They both think they are God's successor on Earth. And I believe they are not. And they both result in having many people flee from the religion. Being the religion either Islam or Christianity.


@farooqkz @sternwarte True, but you specifically mentioned disbelief in Christianity. Putting that next to what you said about Persian and Arab philosophers, it makes it seem like you’re suggesting Islam is for people who experience disbelief in Christianity and the church.
Not saying that’s what you meant. Just explaining how I see it.

Farooq Karimi Zadeh

@hirad @sternwarte

Ah I think being low on amount on concentration I couldn't make it clear what I mean. Excuse me I am not very good regarding mental state today. So here's my braindump:

Many Western fellows disbelieve in Abrahamic religions because they hate Christianity and they hate Christianity because they hate a religious authority on the top telling them what to do and what not to do. We didn't have a religious authority in Islam worlds, well... till recently with Iran's regime. 1/2

Farooq Karimi Zadeh

@hirad @sternwarte

Many Western fellows disbelieve in God because they disbelieve in Abrahamic religions. They want to flee from it. And because they haven't found good deep proofs regarding existence of something like God. TBH, I was also unaware of such these philosophy texts till like a year or two earlier. 2/2

·J Mopp

@farooqkz For me, at least, trying to find proof or evidence for a belief in God is a fool's errand. It's not something you take on evidence, it's something you take on the conviction that there has to be something more to this life beyond this universe. There's a reason it's called faith.


@farooqkz For reference, ~25% of the world population is Muslim.


@farooqkz nah, there is only science not god.


@farooqkz #Episcopalians are almost as rare 😉
Solidarity from Tacoma
:BLM: :af: :iww: :better_pride:



Unsurprisingly, I'm in the majority.

That doesn't mean I'm a follower of or believer in any religion/god/prophet/sky fairy/spirituality. The entire concept is ludicrous, IMHO.

I don't care what others believe, unless they start telling me I have to follow their particular belief's rules, or that laws should reflect certain religious beliefs (thus forcing non-believers or followers of other beliefs to follow their rules).

Mastodonschmetterling 🦋🤍 ☮️

Ist das wichtig?

Ich sehe hier auf Mastodon alle als "Menschen" an. Menschen!


Welche Unterschiede sollte man da erwähnen?

Die Frage spaltet Menschen!

Aber nur gemeinsam, als Menschen!, sind wir stark! 🦋

Goiterzan/Amygdalai Lama

OK, but I'm not a regular, like not a practising not a Muslim. 😘 I mean, I'm not obnoxious about it. ❤️ Just a cultural not a Muslim.

Chtixof :verified:

@farooqkz It would be interesting to know what part of the non-muslims believe in God and what part is atheist.

Slowly Fading #FreePalestine

@farooqkz I’m not a Muslim or religious and I feel no need to denounce religion as a whole, or any specific religions. Faith can provide hope in the darkness and create strong communities. Love to our Muslims m brothers and sisters 🙏

Ada :v_trans: :v_pan:​

@farooqkz most of us are agnostic, atheist or outright anti-religion I would assume.

lunya (cute) :neocat_floof: yea, and at least from personal experience the groups of Muslim and queer don't overlap that much. that could just be cos I'm in a christian dominated country tho

kenan :vim: :rust:

@farooqkz Why do we need to see that? It is a personal issue, not a public interest. I mean what’s even your point? Is this Facebook?

Mikko Rintasaari

@farooqkz so... 1% so far? That's almost a rounding error 🤨

It would be interesting to see this regarding any and all religions.

Alexa Devreux-Swift (She/Her)

@farooqkz well, I haven't PUBLICLY made my declaration of faith...


@farooqkz In NO case do I tell you or anyone else on facebook an answer

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