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Draken BlackKnight

I would think the players are the true enemies of the pieces. ;)


@i0null On the other hand pawns have no problem pretending to peacefully pass by another pawn and then stabbing them in the side en passant.
Let's be honest, chess doesn't exactly lend itself to communist metaphors. :drake_no:


@kolya not all marxist metaphors are communist, nor are all communist metaphors marxist.

Michael Gemar

@i0null @cstross But if pawns get to the other side of the board they sell out their class for a position among the powerful plutocracy.

Pope Bob

@i0null and at most, a pawn can be promoted to queen, after battling its way through the battlefield. The chances aren't good for the pawn.

Seems like a metaphor for 'success' in present-day society.


@bobdobberson @i0null a queen is mighty, a king is nothing but a target, a queen is a threat

Florida as it gets ~

@i0null ha xtian on xtian muslim on muslim shit.. seems a THING lately .. shot in ear messiah and this


@i0null The analogy breaks down on a pawn being blocked by a king or another piece. Unable to progress even if supported, and needs another piece to clean things up and get out of the way.

Shogi would be a slightly better example, pawns can still attack enemies in front of them, but only one pawn is allowed in a single file, because they'd be too strong of a fortification.


This reminds me of the story of a Ukrainian and a Russian who were wounded in combat and left in the middle of a frozen field by their respective comrades. They found each other and gave each other first aid, forgetting that they were supposed to kill each other. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian soldier died after 5 days. The Russian soldier was able to crawl until he found his comrades. It was he who told the story.

Token Sane Person


"[Vimes] hated games they made the world look too simple. Chess, in particular, had always annoyed him. It was the dumb way the pawns went off and slaughtered their fellow pawns while the king lounged about doing nothing. If only the pawns would've united ... the whole board could've been a republic in about a dozen moves."

Terry Pratchett, Thud! (Discworld, #34; City Watch, #7)
#pratchett #TerryPrachett #SayHisName


@tokensane ...Has anyone actually attempted to play that? One player takes charge of the pawns, either one or two players for the remainder of the black and white pieces, normal rules of movement apply. I'm now really curious....


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