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Tess:Rabbit-eared troublemaker

mastodon feature where if you post "good night" you can't post for 8 hours.

Bugbear Butch

@diffractie can you still boost and fave or is it complete bedtime stop

Tess:Rabbit-eared troublemaker

@Sorl I'm thinking you get like 30 minutes of boost/fav privileges.

Bugbear Butch

@diffractie can it tell the difference between somebody saying goodnight for theirself and somebody responding with goodnight to another person's goodnight

(sorry for the questions as if this exists, I am sleepy)

Tess:Rabbit-eared troublemaker

@Sorl hehe its okay :D
I think it'd be activated if you type "Good night", not in quotes, as part of a post that isn't a reply to anyone.

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