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War and Peas 🧿

Before the invention of paper and scissors

This is a single-panel cartoon by War and Peas. The image depicts two cavemen sitting across from each other with a pile of rocks between them. They are both seated on rocks, facing one another. One caveman has long hair and a beard, while the other has a slightly more rugged appearance. The caption below the image reads, "Let's settle this with a game of Rock Rock Rock."

@JonnyT @warandpeas It was apparently invented in (and during) the Han dynasty (~206 BCE to 220 CE), before which was the short-lived tyranny of the Qin dynasty that came after the Warring States Period.

So, no, I don’t think it was a more peaceful time before the invention of rock-paper-scissors.


@warandpeas I think it was Rock, Boulder and Stone ?

Shell :fedora: :kde:

@warandpeas Do they punch themselves until death to decide who's rock beat the other rock?


OK, but how was it before invention of rock?


@warandpeas wow adam and Ève invented rock paper and scissors 😂



Rock, Stick and Fire:
Stick beats Rock (baseball style), Fire beats Stick, Rock beats Fire.

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