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Joan Westenberg

Adulthood is endlessly repeating, "just get through this week and next week will be quieter," until you die.

Dr Benoît Jones

One day in your thirties you wake up feeling a bit shitty and then that's it for the rest of your life

Mx Verda

@huxley @Daojoan
I feel cheated that “in my thirties” meant “when I was 30”

Dr Benoît Jones

@MxVerda @Daojoan
In my forties I find hangovers now last at least two days.

You have my deeply felt condolences.


@Daojoan it doesn’t have to be that way tho…

Mx Verda

@boobs @Daojoan
Expand upon this, dissident! Use Point, Evidence, Explain and definite examples we can incorporate into IRL.
This question may be awarded a total of 5 marks.


@MxVerda @Daojoan

5 marks only for my potentially absolute 🔥 life tips sounds like im being milked like the corps are doing to me already… WHO DO U WORK FOR!?


@Daojoan someone once said, at some point we have to decide if that's what we want from life. Always just trying to get through the day, the week, the years until we're dead. #Capitalism keeps pushing our heads down and struggling. There's got to be an easier way than this.

Rob Synnott

@Daojoan At which point, in fairness, it may be assumed to be true.

Bread and Circuses

@Daojoan As a nihilistic atheist, I tend to view life through this couplet:

We're all just tryin' to get by
We're all just waitin' to die



When I was a teenager, there was a common phrase amongst my friends, oft recounted when something bad happened.

" Life is shit and then you die "

Teenagers eh? 🫢


@gsymon @Daojoan my partner and I often say 'life is hard' and the other ends, 'and then you die' and we continue whatever it was we were doing

Kingsley Bugarin OAM


In Australia we had a slightly different version of it.

People are fucked
Life is a bitch
Then you die

Morten Grøftehauge

@Daojoan This too shall pass but, like, everything.
This meeting will end, this day will end, this week will end.


“Build a life you don’t need to escape from,” Seth Gobin.
Here are some ideas and practices I use to help achieve this goal:

Jonathan T

@Daojoan And your job is a continuous, "just get through these meetings and then you'll be able to do some actual work" until you either retire or die.


@Daojoan "let's have a break from work and scroll mastodon" he said
"I'm sure I'll come across something uplifting" he said

Dan O'Ginnec

@Daojoan Then probably you should rethink your job/life/whatever and slow down.


@Daojoan the fact you made that realization is a good thing. Now you can work towards a better tomorrow 🫶

Herr Reis

Take your #running shoes and go for an hour or two for a run or walk in the woods. You will have incredible quite moments and you don't need that quite week anymore.

Niels Chr. Nielsen

@Daojoan Thirty Years later: Why doesn't he call, I'd really like to hear a bit more about how he's doing?



Substitute disability for adulthood, and yeah...

Wear a mask. Avoid long covid

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