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@argv_minus_one @saddestrobots Holy shit. I was pretty new to databases when I worked at that company, so when the senior engineers said, "It will take a long time to rename the column because the table is big," I just believed them. But, yeah, that's not how that works.

So, the question is, were they--the SENIOR engineers---as clueless as I was, or were they lying so they didn't have to fix the typo (and everywhere in the code the typo had propagated to)?

argv minus one


Yeah, I was thinking it wouldn't be database downtime as such, but rather downtime for all of the applications that use it. All of them have to be brought down before the column is renamed, and then updated and brought back up.

I take it there are many applications using this database, not just one, so yeah, that could add up to a lot of downtime.



@argv_minus_one @saddestrobots No, just one. 😂

When they added another application, they added a new database, with a series of cron scripts to sync the data between the applications.

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