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Mac Berg

@Natasha_Jay Aaaaahhh back when scroll bars were actually useful and good. 😒

Drifter Carbon

@Natasha_Jay That's so clever, I can't believe I haven't seen it done before.

Dr Ro Smith

@Natasha_Jay Missed. love a scroll bar that's wide enough to click and not difficult to find!

Rachel Greenham

@Natasha_Jay feel it necessary to add a late-period risc os scrollbar. carved. in. stone. πŸ˜€

A scrollbar cropped from a RISC OS screenshot, of just the scrollbar. It sports the β€œnewer look” design (from about the mid-90s) which looks like it’s carved and polished stone, complete with a central groove in the scrollbar background in which the actual scroller slides.

@Natasha_Jay The concept of scrolling was forever destroyed when a cabal of evil web devs discovered scroll-driven animations.

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